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Which AI model should I use?

This guide provides an overview of the different AI models available in Sudowrite, focusing on their strengths and weaknesses to help authors choose the right model depending on their needs.


Most Accurate


  • Follows beats very closely
  • Good for script writing
  • Improved style box adherence


  • Most expensive model
  • Can be pedantic or "on the nose" with wording from beats

Best for:

  • When you need precise adherence to beats
  • Script writing


  • Be careful with wording in beats as it may be reproduced verbatim
  • Use for initial drafts that need to closely follow an outline

Best Prose


  • Jumps right into action
  • Good prose quality


  • Can go off-rails more easily than Most Accurate
  • Takes some creative liberties with beats

Best for:

  • When you want engaging, well-written prose
  • Opening scenes that need to grab attention


  • Works well with lean beats
  • Edit frequently to keep it on track



  • Less costly than Most Accurate
  • Good balance between beat adherence and prose quality
  • Works well with first-person POV


  • Tends to use a lot of mid-sentence explanations

Best for:

  • General-purpose writing
  • First-person narratives


  • Try with "first-person heavy dialogue" for good results



  • Very cheap
  • Good for intense scenes or dialogue
  • Helps with pacing issues


  • May condense or skip over plot points

Best for:

  • Fight scenes
  • Speeding up slow passages
  • Generating outlines


  • Works well with lean, action-focused beats
  • Pair with other models for best results
  • Use for initial drafts to get ideas flowing



  • Good for sarcasm and dry humor
  • Works well for nonfiction
  • Cheaper than some other models


  • Can produce shorter outputs
  • May need more prompting to stay on track

Best for:

  • Humor writing
  • Nonfiction
  • When you want a more natural, conversational tone


  • Use detailed beats to keep it focused
  • Good for brainstorming ideas

Claude 3 Haiku


  • Balanced between speed and detail
  • More creative freedom with short beats
  • Accurate to provided beats
  • Adds some “fluff” without straying too far from the beats


  • Writing style can feel immature or cliched
  • Adds unnecessary information when using long beats
  • Fluff content isn’t always the best quality

Best for:

  • Authors wanting a middle ground between speed and detail
  • Those who want some AI creativity without losing control


  • Use shorter beats for more creative and mature-sounding writing
  • Can be combined with other models for a well-rounded approach

Claude 3 Sonnet


  • Descriptive writing style with a fast pace
  • Excellent prose with short beats
  • Adds meaningful character actions
  • Balances setting descriptions and character thoughts


  • Can occasionally make mistakes with Story Bible information
  • Can add inappropriate elements to the story
  • Dialogue can feel unrealistic
  • Writing becomes cliched with long beats

Best for:

  • Authors who want high-quality prose and are willing to edit
  • Those who prefer a unique voice in their writing


  • Use medium-thickness beats for best results
  • Be prepared to fact-check and edit the output

Claude 3 Opus


  • Highly detailed prose generation
  • Excellent at incorporating Story Bible elements
  • Handles complex instructions well
  • Great for well-thought-out material that needs to be turned into prose


  • Can be overwhelming with information
  • Tends to use all available information, even if not immediately relevant
  • Very Style box-dependent—dialogue and prose may feel “safe” without a well-defined Style
  • Struggles with explicit content when not balanced by significant enough plot

Best for:

  • Authors who have a clear outline and want detailed prose
  • Projects requiring heavy use of Story Bible elements


  • Use a focused, partially completed Story Bible to manage available information
  • Provide short, concise beats for better writing quality

GPT 4o


  • Balanced between prose generation and speed
  • Focuses on sensory details and setting descriptions
  • More elevated writing style compared to some models
  • Produces realistic, though brief, dialogue


  • Can become confused with long, detailed beats
  • Less focus on character thoughts and emotions
  • Not very resourceful with Story Bible elements

Best for:

  • Authors who struggle with sensory descriptions
  • Those who want a good balance of speed and quality


  • Use short, concise beats for best results
  • Combine with other models to add character depth

Mythomax 13B


  • Extremely fast prose generation
  • Highly accurate to provided beats
  • Good for creating a “skeleton” of the chapter
  • Produces more natural-sounding dialogue


  • Lacks detailed prose compared to other models
  • Can be overwhelmed by too much direction
  • May copy Story Bible elements verbatim
  • Struggles with subtle hints or mysteries

Best for:

  • Overcoming writer’s block
  • Creating quick outlines or first drafts
  • Authors who prefer more control over the output


  • Keep beats concise and limit information
  • Use for initial drafting, then expand with other tools

Mixtral 7B Instruct


  • Good balance of setting descriptions and character experiences
  • Handles both short and long beats well
  • Mature-sounding writing with proper diction


  • Dialogue can feel flat and unnatural
  • Repetitive content and phrasing
  • Lacks resourcefulness with some Story Bible elements

Best for:

  • Authors new to AI writing assistance
  • Those who want a solid all-around model


  • Use shorter beats for more genre-appropriate writing
  • Expect to rewrite most dialogue

Mistral Medium


  • Similar to Claude 3 Opus in capability
  • Handles both long and short beats well
  • Focuses on character thoughts and feelings


  • Slow generation speed
  • Tends to over-include Story Bible information
  • Struggles with subtle hints
  • Often tries to wrap up scenes too quickly

Best for:

  • Authors who want Opus-like capabilities
  • Those focusing on character internal experiences


  • Be prepared for longer generation times
  • May be more useful in other writing tools beyond chapter generation



  • Good for humor and sarcasm
  • Can generate poetry when prompted


  • Expensive
  • May interpret requests too literally (e.g., turning everything into puns)

Best for:

  • When you need a mix of humor and storytelling
  • Generating poetry or song lyrics


  • Be specific with prompts to get desired output
  • Experiment with different prompt wordings

General Tips

✅ Experiment with different models for different parts of your writing

✅ Use the style box effectively to guide the AI's output

✅ Be specific in your beats and prompts

✅ Consider using the ellipsis method for more control over output

✅ Experiment with creativity sliders and tone shifts in models that offer them

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