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Setting up your story

You can’t bake a cake without ingredients.

In this case, the cake is your novel and the ingredients are your Braindump, Genre, Style, Synopsis, Characters, and Outline. You’re the baker, and Story Bible is like a junior baker helping you out. This is not the best analogy… we probably should have asked Sudowrite for help.

In any event, for each of these “ingredients,” Story Bible can make suggestions or you can do it yourself. Let’s walk through how it works. No more (bad) analogies, promise.


Imagine that you’re meeting with another writer who will collaborate with you on your story.

You’re meeting them for the first time, and they have zero context. The Braindump section is what you’d tell this writer in order to introduce them to the core elements on your story.

This could be a sentence, a paragraph, a snippet of a scene, or any free-form passage of text. The more information you put in Braindump, the better the AI will understand your vision.

We recommend writing at least a few hundred words here. You can always revise Braindump later as story elements change.

Braindump directly influences the generation of Synopsis. Otherwise, if the Synopsis is never filled in or generated, fields that are typically informed by Synopsis will defer to the Braindump.
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