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Exporting Files

Sudowrite offers two simple ways to export your work, allowing you to easily save or share your entire project or individual documents.

Project Export

Need to backup your entire project or share it with a collaborator? The Project Export feature is perfect for these scenarios. It allows you to export all of your documents at once as a bundled .zip file.

Project Export Purpose: Export every document in a project at once.

How to use:

  1. On the Sudowrite home page (, locate the project card you want to export.
  1. Click the three dots (•••) menu in the upper right corner of the project card.
  1. Select "Export (.zip)" from the dropdown menu.

Project Export Features:

  • Exports all documents within the project
  • Creates a .zip file for easy storage and sharing

Use cases:

  • Backing up your entire project
  • Sharing your complete work with collaborators or editors

Document Export

Sometimes you only need to export a specific chapter or document from your project. The Document Export option allows you to do just that, giving you flexibility in sharing or backing up individual pieces of your work.

Document Export Purpose: Export a single document or chapter from your project.

How to use:

  1. Open the desired project in Sudowrite.
  1. Select the document you want to export in the left sidebar.
  1. Click the three dots (•••) menu next to the document name.
  1. Select "Export (.docx)" from the dropdown menu.


  • Exports a single document as a .docx file
  • Generally preserves formatting and content of the selected document
  • Quick and easy way to share specific portions of your work

Use cases:

  • Sharing a single chapter with beta readers
  • Creating a standalone copy of a document for offline editing

By choosing the appropriate export method, you can efficiently manage your work in Sudowrite while maintaining the flexibility to share or backup your writing as needed. Whether you're creating a complete project archive or just need to export a single chapter, Sudowrite has an export option tailored to your needs.

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