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The outline is where you tell Story Bible about the structure of your story.

You can have Story Bible generate an outline based on your synopsis, genre, and characters, or you can bring your own outline.

To tell Story Bible to suggest an Outline, click the Generate button.

After generating, make sure to read the text and either change or add to it so that it fits your vision. Just as with every section in Story Bible, the more specific you are, the better yours results will be.

If you are bringing your own outline, you must match the following format:

Act 1 - Introduction:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Act 2 - Rising Action:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
<continue for rest of outline…>

As soon as you have appropriately formatted information in your Outline, you’ll get a small prompt beneath the outline box that looks like this.

Outline is influenced by Genre, Synopsis, Characters, and Worldbuilding. Meanwhile, Outline directly informs Beat generation.

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