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Synopsis establishes the characters, their goals, the central conflict, how your story begins and how it ends. It also conveys your story's tone, themes, and unique elements.

To tell Story Bible to create your Synopsis, click the Generate button.

If your Braindump is missing crucial elements, Story Bible will fill in the blanks to create the Synopsis here. So be sure to include anything of vital importance to your story in the Braindump!

Improving your Synopsis

Once Story Bible has generated your Synopsis, you’ll likely want to make changes. These changes can be small, like changing a character name or setting, or big, like restructuring the entire ending. As with Braindump, it’s good to provide as much detail as you can in your Synopsis, because the AI will use this information later on in other sections.

There are two ways to make these changes:

  1. Make changes manually.

Do this by editing the text of your Synopsis directly in the text box.

  1. Use AI to rewrite your Synopsis.

You’ll see a “Rewrite Synopsis” box beneath the main Synopsis text box. Use this space to offer the AI some guidance on rewriting your synopsis, the same way you might give a junior writer feedback.


Once you’ve typed the changes you want made, just click the Rewrite button.

Notion image

Use the Clock icon to access this section’s History and see past versions of your Synopsis.

Rewrite Examples
  • Add more tension in the beginning of the story
  • Make the antagonist more likable
  • Change the ending to be sad

The generation of Synopsis is informed by both Braindump and Genre. The Synopsis influences the generation of Characters, Worldbuilding, Outline, and Beats. As mentioned previously, in the event the Synopsis field is empty, the fields that rely on Synopsis would instead defer to the Braindump.

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