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Wow, that’s a lot of buttons. Here’s how to get around Sudowrite


Sudowrite Main Interface

Sudowrite’s main writing interface is divided into 3 columns.

In the left column you have the Project’s Document organization. The primary writing area, your text editor, comprises the middle section. Finally, to the right is the information section and where responses from Sudowrite’s AI tools and Plugins will appear as Cards. (Note that before you get started, that area is populated by a few quick tips.)

A screenshot of Sudowrite’s editor, the main writing interface.
A screenshot of Sudowrite’s editor, the main writing interface.

Projects, Docs and Folders

On login, you’re dropped into Sudowrite’s homepage. That’s where you’ll find all of your Projects. Click into any project to enter the editor (as depicted above), where you’ll find your Document(s) listed along the left. You can Add New documents or Import your existing work here in the left nav—in either case, those individual docs will be listed there. Add New also gives you the option of creating Folders, which can be used to organize your Documents.

Meanwhile, each of Sudowrite’s AI functions (highlighted below) outputs results as Cards, which appear in the History bar on the right side of the text editor.


Most Sudowrite features will place your responses into a Card on the right side of the screen. (First Draft, Shrink Ray, and Quick Tools do not.)

Sudowrite’s main interface places the AI responses from Sudowrite’s AI features into cards on the right side of the screen. You can click on the cards to expand the stacks, or click again to collapse them.
Sudowrite’s main interface places the AI responses from Sudowrite’s AI features into cards on the right side of the screen. You can click on the cards to expand the stacks, or click again to collapse them.

Click anywhere on the white card to collapse the response, and click again to expand it and view the full context of the prompt and response. The top of every card pile will have the Prompt in italics: this is what Sudowrite took into consideration in order to generate the cards. It also will name the feature you used. In the example below, it was Write.

The prompt that Sudowrite considered is always in italics above the Cards.
The prompt that Sudowrite considered is always in italics above the Cards.

The last part of the interface to be aware of is the Toolbar that sits along the top of those three columns. The Toolbar is where you’ll find several of Sudowrite’s core AI features, which you can read more about next.

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